Architects: Francisco Fanucci, Marcelo Ferraz, Cícero Ferraz Cruz, Anne Dieterich, Bruno Levi, Gabriel Grinspum, Luciana Dornellas, Pedro Del Guerra
Equipe Finlandesa de Arquitetura: Ville Niiranen e Mikko Kääriäinen
Date of project: 2005
Date of construction: 2007
Summary: Casa de veraneio a beira mar. Gross floor area: 330 m²
Location: Hanko, Finlândia.
Companies envolved: Maquete eletrônica: Carlos Arellano
Complementares de engenharia foram desenvolvidos na Finlândia.
Equipe Finlandesa de Arquitetura: Ville Niiranen e Mikko Kääriäinen
Date of project: 2005
Date of construction: 2007
Summary: Casa de veraneio a beira mar. Gross floor area: 330 m²
Location: Hanko, Finlândia.
Companies envolved: Maquete eletrônica: Carlos Arellano
Complementares de engenharia foram desenvolvidos na Finlândia.

For us it is impossible to imagine modern Brazilian architecture without thinking about the strong influence of Finland in the form of the exceptional works of Alvar Aalto.
When we consider our architectural origins, or our referential network, we come across structures, spatial concepts, constructional principles, use of materials and relationships with nature and urbanity, shared with Finnish architectural practice.(…)
When we consider our architectural origins, or our referential network, we come across structures, spatial concepts, constructional principles, use of materials and relationships with nature and urbanity, shared with Finnish architectural practice.(…)

Brazil and Finland – ´Faraway, so close!´ – through the means of architecture.
Our proposal can be said to want to appear and disappear; it locates itself frankly and resolutely in the territory. At the same time, through its materiality which always keeps in mind the aspect of aging and weathering in the severe Finnish climates, it mimics the forest, camouflaged, yet never withdrawing itself completely.

FF and MF
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